Hey Crew!

As with all things in life, finding balance is a constant struggle. In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, focusing on recovery often takes a back seat. 

But since you are here in week two of my journey, you probably have an idea that mastering recovery could be the key to unlocking peak performance. Me too, so read on!

A philosopher I am not, but a quick internet search told me that Yin and Yang are the Chinese thought of two great opposite forces at work in the universe. And that leads to today’s quest to unravel the secrets of both active and passive recovery and discover how I can integrate them seamlessly into a weekly routine.

Active Recovery: The Power of Movement

So, what is Active Recovery? It isn’t about sitting on the sidelines; it’s a thoughtful approach to keeping your body in motion without overexerting it. Think light workouts, mobility exercises, or a refreshing yoga session. The goal? Enhance blood flow, reduce muscle stiffness, and accelerate the body’s natural healing process.

How can we fit it into an already busy day? We can reap the benefits of active recovery with something as simple as a brisk lunchtime walk, a set of bodyweight exercises in your home office, or a quick yoga flow before bed. The key is consistency (shocking I KNOW). Being intentional about adding these bite-sized activities throughout our day will do wonders to keep the body in top-notch condition.

One of my favorite active recovery routines is hitting up the GOWOD app. From pre and post-WOD routines, to measuring and tracking your mobility score, it really has a TON to choose from. It now offers you the ability to create your own mobility protocols according to your desires and specific needs, AND you can create as many as you want.

Seriously go check it out in your phone’s app store or online at www.gowod.app today. 

Passive Recovery: Embracing the Stillness

If Active recovery is the Yang, then Passive recovery must be the Yin, right? And that means it is all about giving your body the rest it deserves. Think of adequate sleep, trying meditation, and even indulging in a well-deserved massage as techniques for passive recovery. All of these modalities allow your body to repair and recharge, and are essential for long-term well-being.

Sounds amazing, I know, but all you busy professionals, listen up! Schedule your passive recovery like you would a crucial business meeting. Incorporate short meditation sessions during breaks, and consider booking that massage as a non-negotiable self-care appointment. Your body AND your mind will thank you for it!

Most importantly, make sure you prioritize quality sleep. EVERY DAY! A great way to do this is by establishing a consistent bedtime routine. Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time. Yes, even on the weekends! Sleep is so important to your recovery that I will go deeper into it in a later post but for now work on that bedtime routine habit and let me know how it goes.

Taking Action: Balancing Your Recovery Checkbook

Reading about the importance of active and passive recovery is cool…but taking ACTION and adding it to your routine is even cooler! Here are four tips for you to try out TODAY:

  • Assess Your Schedule: Identify pockets of time for both active and passive recovery. It might mean sacrificing a Netflix episode for a quick mobility session or saying no to that late-night email in favor of quality sleep.
  • Make it a Ritual: Treat your recovery activities as non-negotiable appointments. Just like you wouldn’t skip a client meeting, don’t skip your recovery time.
  • Mix and Match: Constantly varied is one way CrossFit works so don’t be afraid to mix things up here too. Maybe a morning run works better for you one week, and a meditation session fits the next.
  • Listen to Your Body: The most effective recovery is personalized. Pay attention to how your body responds to different methods and adjust accordingly.
  • BONUS TIP – Ask A Coach: Yes, I had to sneak an extra one in but all the coaches at S3E CrossFit have years of experience and we are happy to share our knowledge with you. You just gotta ask and we got you!

Remember, the most successful professionals aren’t the busiest; they’re the most strategic in managing their time and energy. Incorporating active and passive recovery into your routine isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity for sustained success.

Next week I will plunge into (Dad Joke activated) the benefits of cold plunge therapy so stay tuned for more on mastering the art of recovery in my ongoing revolution. Me and your body will thank you!